Endriand on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/endriand/art/Logo-Comic-Pokemon-Mystery-Dungeon-NDW-423327460Endriand

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Logo Comic: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - NDW




Hola chicos Llama Emoji-62 (Rawr I'll get you) [V3] muy buenas tardes a todos =D, se que he estado algo ausente pero eso es debido a que me he estado propuesto muchas cosas en mente, como este Comic que pienso y planeo realizar, ademas me servira para mejorar tal vez mas aun mi estilo de dibujo como tambien trabajar mas con las Expresiones faciales/corporales y trabajar con Humanos que es lo que mas me cuesta eweUu... [si, en esta historia habran Humanos, pero no les Spoileare mas que solo un breve resumen del comienzo, para que se den una idea de lo que sucede ;3]

bueno, sin mucho que decir por ahora, mas que solo mostrandoles el Logo de la historia [el cual en parte fue sacado de internet debo aclarar, ya que la Fuente o Tipografia no pude encontrarla ^^u...], y a continuacion el breve resumen del comienzo :3

Resumen [Spoiler]

La historia trata del Jolteon Jolteon la [el protagonista o mas bien mi personaje] el cual luego de terminar la escuela de "exploradores" [escuela para especializar y preparar a los futuros Exploradores y aventureros para cumplir las misiones correspondientes], junto con su compañero Ken Dewott Licky [un Dewott], van en salida a su primera mision de rescate, el cual consistia en salvar a un pokemon que estaba perdido dentro de una montaña, al llegar a aquel lugar, tras ir investigando por las cuevas que habia en este lugar, terminaron perdiendose luego de ser perseguidos por una Orda de Pokemon Salvajes, los cuales creian que estaban invadiendo su territorio, tras ser perseguidos, estos terminan dando con lo que parecia ser en su momento la "salida", pero terminaron encontrandose con el pokemon legendario Groudon, este creyendo que ambos Pokemon querian atacarlo, comienza a lanzarles ataques los cuales logran evadir, Groudon cansado de esto y sin querer escuchar a los viajeros, Usa terremoto, antes de huir del lugar, el cual comenzaba a derrumbarse, alarmados ante esta situacion, ambos exploradores tuvieron que huir a como de lugar de donde estaba, antes de que toda la montaña se les vinieran encima.

ya casi llegando a la salida por donde habian llegado [algo como unas escaleras], esta termina derrumbandose antes los pies del Jolteon, haciendo que caiga al vacio mientras grandes rocas le iban siguiendo, pero algo misterioso ocurrio, lo cual un portal aparecio de la nada abajo de el, transportandolo a un lugar desconocido, donde mas tarde se da cuenta de que ya no esta en el lugar donde vive, comenzando una travesia para poder volver a casa nuevamente con los sullos.

Bueno, eso es todo por ahora :3 pronto estare subiendo las paginas del comic [puede que demore en hacerlas un poco como puede que no, todo se vera mas tarde] sin nada mas que decir, me despido de ustedes y hasta la proxima! ^^


Hi guys, good afternoon everyone =D, is that I've been somewhat absent, but that is because of that I've been proposed many things in mind, like this Comic I think and plan to perform, also I will serve to improve, perhaps more even my style of drawing as well as work more with facial and bodily expressions and work with humans which is what more it costs me eweUu... [if, in this story there will be human, but not them Spoileare more than just a brief summary of the beginning, so will give an idea of what happens ;3]

well, without much to say for now, rather than just showing them the Logo of history [which was partly taken from internet should clarify, since the font or typography could not find ^^u...], then the brief summary of the beginning :3

Summary [Spoiler]

The story is about the Jolteon [the protagonist or rather my character] which then finished the school of "explorers" [school for specialisation and prepare future explorers and adventurers to the corresponding missions], together with his partner Ken [a Dewott], will output its first rescue mission, which consisted of rescuing a Pokémon that was lost inside a mountain, arriving at that place, after investigating the caves had in this place, ended lost after being chased by a wild Pokemon Orda, which believed that were invading their territory, after being persecuted, they end up giving with what seemed to be at its "exit", but ended up being with the legendary Pokémon Groudon, this believing that both Pokemon wanted to attack it, start throwing attacks which manage to evade, tired of this Groudon and not wanting to listen to the travelers, uses earthquake, before fleeing from the place, which began to collapse, alarmed this situation, both explorers were forced to flee as well as place where was, before all mountain is them come up.

already almost at the exit where arrived had [something like stairs], this ends up derrumbandose before the feet of the Jolteon, by falling into the void while boulders were following him, but something mysterious happened, which a portal appeared from nothing down, transportandolo to an unknown place, where most late realizes has that is not in the place where you livebeginning a journey to be able to return home again with the charge.

Well, thats all for now :3 soon I'll be uploading the pages of the comic [may it take make them slightly as you can not, all is vera later] with nothing more to say, I leave you and until the next! ^^

Libro 1: fav.me/d701ix0
Story: :iconendriand: & :iconkin-kan:
Pokémon: GameFreak©
Image size
1004x502px 434.06 KB
© 2013 - 2024 Endriand
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